When you’ve finished writing your book whether fiction or non-fiction you may be determined to get it published so that you can share it with others. Yet doing this can be challenging. After all the time and effort you spent in doing the writing it’s easy to feel stuck when your work is complete yet you can’t find a traditional publisher prepared to take the risk of publishing it. This is when it’s time to consider the advantages of self publishing and consider now the motives why you might want to do this.Getting the book published if no-one else agrees to publish it within a reasonable time.If you become frustrated either by the lack of interest from publishers in your book, or they take so long to respond to your book proposal then you could get your book published and out into the world by self publishing.Believing that what you’ve written might be useful for your readers even though publishers have reviewed your book proposal and said they weren’t willing to publish it either because they didn’t think it was interesting or not the sort of book they usually publish or they just didn’t like it, then self publishing is a way to get your message out there without the use of a traditional publisher.Having bigger financial rewards than you would from a traditional publisher. If you are prepared for the initial cash outlay needed to get your book published then the potential monetary rewards may be much more per book sold if you are able to not only publish but also market and sell it yourself.Deciding on the layout and design of the cover and internal pages of the book.If you want to be creative and be able to have artistic and design freedom then self publish compared with whatever the publisher wants. Your book has to conform to their corporate image and to look similar to their other books. Whether you like it or not the publisher decides the appearance of your book.Deciding how many copies to have printed. When you self publish especially if you use ‘print on demand’ you can choose how many copies to have printed. This in contrast to a publisher who decides how many to print and whether or not to re-print when those have been sold. This means that if you only want a few copies for friends and family for example, then you can do that when you self publish.